1098 items listed
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onWe were over 1100 items but some great pieces sold this week so we are at 1098 listed presently. Check out our new items listed on our home page!
Of course, many novelty and one-of-a-kind items remain in our stock certificate catalog. We find each piece has both great financial art worthiness as well as cool historical value. Unfortunately, we still have many more to list so check back often to see what we add.
As our collection grows, we will look to divide our categories a bit more for niche collectors. In the meantime, surf a bit and share our site with your friends.
1006 items listed and still growing!
We now have over 1000 items listed with so many more to go. Recent listings include some very cool items including Madoff related collectibles (check the Madoff Securities stock trading records!). We continue to mix our listings between affordable novelty gift products and higher end collector's pieces. However, our sets continue to be our best [...]

Over 900 items listed - man, I have a lot more to go!
With a big push this long weekend, I was able to increase the listings to 906 items. Two were sold are now out of stock so we are down to 904. I added 60-some items at all price levels and put some new certificates in the weekly sale folder. A bunch of junk lots were added [...]

Featured gallery on
Some of our favorite pieces are included in's "The 10 best-looking stock certificates ever issued". Check out the gallery at the link below: Check it out!
Great early oil certificate - Pennsylvania and Ohio Oil Company, dated 1865
As i go through my inventory of 20 plus years, I run across something that I forgot was in my boxes. this week i found a great early PA oil piece from 1865. The Pennsylvania and Ohio Oil Company looks to be a very rare piece since my research cannot find it anywhere, even in past auctions.While [...]
Over 750 items listed so far
It is a huge undertaking to research and upload the the thousands of pieces that I have. So far, I have listed over 750 items and add new items most every day. However, it is great to see my work paying off with a steep increase in orders. As is our business model, we are [...]
Back from vacation
We're back from vacation and adding items to the site. Please check out the new items section at the bottom of the front page to see what we have just uploaded.New sale itemsWe also updated our weekly sale section to rotate items. Please take a look.Welcome new visitorsWe have seen a very large uptick in [...]
About security
As with any online shopping, you should be concerned with personal information security.We choose our BigCommerce platform for our store to have the industry best security for our visitors and customers. By the nature of any internet site, our ecommerce site does use cookies. You can block this feature from your browser settings. We will [...]

Lots of stock certificates to upload
We have thousands of stocksIf you visit often, you will see products added every week and most everyday. We have thousands of certificates to scan, research, and upload. I am guessing months of work since I buy new pieces all of the time. Maybe years since I take the time to research the history of each certificate [...]
Check out our SALE section!
Our SALE category has added itemsWe have added a few popular items to our weekly sale section. These prices will not be permanent so shop now. We have even included some popular sets to tempt the beginning collector. These are usually more searched and viewed items so the bargain is twice as nice.Our clearance section [...]